Accounting Solutions Tailored to Your Unique Needs As a Construction Company

The construction industry has many accounting challenges, with unique risks and obstacles that must be managed to ensure the company is protected, profitable, and growing. More traditional businesses have fixed costs and the ability to control variable costs, so they can make a product for $10 and sell it for $20, with expected profit margins and the ability to easily track profitability. Construction companies are faced with estimates for materials, labor and time and are at the mercy of many outside influences for successful completion of a project. 

BATS Xpress realizes that to be a successful construction company in today’s market, you must have constant attention to virtually every aspect of the business. Material costs, labor issues, bonding concerns, financial management and increasing competition for new work are just a few of the areas in need of vigilance. In such a complex operating environment, it’s essential to work with an accounting provider that has relevant construction industry experience and knowledge. From large construction companies to specialty contractors, BATS Xpress has experience providing not only the traditional bookkeeping and accounting services but also partnering with management to leverage cost saving opportunities across the business.

Our construction accounting solutions focus on:

  • Allocation of expenses

  • Invoicing and cash flow analysis

  • Break even calculations

  • IRS audit protection/attestation services

  • Tax preparation and compliance

  • Bonding advisory 

  • Mergers and acquisitions

  • Debt restructuring

  • Litigation support

  • Retirement and estate planning

  • Succession planning

Let us take care of your financials, so you can spend your time running your successful construction company!